Alex is a 20 year old Level Four Masonry student at Kivu Hills Academy. Losing his mother in 2017, he lives with his father and eight siblings. After completing his lower level education, Alex graduated without the ability to speak even a simple sentence in English. For the two years he has been at Kivu Hills Academy, he’s learned to express himself in English by listening, writing, speaking and reading. He has also learned how to construct a house. He now regularly applies his construction knowledge of planning for materials and workers, excavation, setting out, building a strong foundation, wall elevation, roughing, opening fixation, and finishing works. Alex says that what he is learning at KHA helps him in his daily life because the knowledge and the skills he has gained so far will allow to secure jobs and pave the way for his bright future.
Alex believes that his life has been changed since joining Kivu Hills Academy. Before starting at KHA, Alex didn’t have confidence for his future, but today he knows he has acquired pivotal skills and values from school. He says that he has gained entrepreneurial skills that will help him to create his own work without waiting for other opportunities. Alex deeply respects the learning environment at KHA, and he explains that he learned love from his colleagues and staff members. Alex hopes that once he graduates he can work on construction sites to save money for further education. After finishing university studies, he will have the ability to support his siblings to attend school.
Alex states that Kivu Hills Academy cannot be compared with other schools because of the high quality buildings that maintain hygiene for both the students and environment, the nutritious feeding program, solid learning materials, and the experienced and professional trainers that offer quality education and leadership. Alex suggests that KHA is one of the best technical schools in the country, therefore it should be made known to the public in all possible ways so that many students can benefit from the quality education.