Bible Recipients in Boneza
A partnership between Bible Society of Rwanda, American Bible Society, and Arise Rwanda has helped the Boneza village to access Scripture. The intention of this effort was to increase access to Bibles throughout the community, increase Scripture engagement, and promote Christian values for positive life transformation.
Nearly 10,000 Bibles were distributed.

“I received it joyfully because I needed it so much so that I can read it from home, because we did not have any at our house. To me the Bible is the way to know God, and it helps to avoid sin. The Bible made me feel very happy, and now, I read it for myself, I take it to church, I read it for my family members.
The Bible will help me to be endure the sorrows and difficulties of the world, because the Bible teaches endurance, love, forgiveness and to help others. After receiving the Bible, I am reviewing my actual relationship with others, I am avoiding bars as well as conflicting with my neighbors. I learnt from the Bible that, the one who can’t forgive will never be forgiven and that he who does foolishness acts will never enter the Kingdom of God.”

“I very much appreciated having this Bible because it came in the right time, I actually draw happiness from the Bible and it relieves me in many troubles. I felt very empowered to have the Bible and I decided to; Love to pray and thanks giving to God and also to usually read the Bible. This Bible will help me to know God more, to preach others and to live peacefully with other, also to be very respectful. Currently, I stopped committing adultery and alcohol. The verse that helps me is in Mathew 27:27”

“I praised God for receiving the gift of Bible because I was in need of it, the Bible is the Word of God that contains what sustains us while moving forward in the journey to heaven. While receiving the Bible, I felt that a miracle was happening to me because of that unusual gift, I also felt that I will not have excuse before God, I was very happy for this precious book that would help me to deepen my understanding of God through the Word of God. Referring to the verse in Job 28:28, the Bible helps me to search the knowledge of God and to avoid sin, and the scripture in Mathew 5:3 blesses me.”

“When receiving the Bible, I felt comfort because in my life I heard people saying that the Word of God comforts; I felt very courageous and happy because I shared the Word of God with my Child who reads it for me.
The Bible will help me to follow God by doing what is right in the eyes of God at the same time living in harmony with neighbors.
I stopped my bad habits including taking alcoholic drinks. The Bible Verse that helps me is John 3:16″

“I received the Bible when I was in desperate need of it, to me the Bible means the way leading me to God through teaching me to avoid sin. It came as a solution to me and I felt so happy to have it, believe the Bible will help me to change my bad habits that separates me from God and to live in peace with my family members and neighbors because the Bible asks us to live in peace with everyone.
Nowadays, I usually pray to God, I stopped drinking alcohol, and I could not do so in the past, and I am exercising to live in harmony/peace with others.”

“I received the Bible with happiness because I was unable to buy one for myself, The Bible is like the cure to me, because it helps me to change my characters. I felt that I am a valuable creature in the eyes of God, because he made people think about me and offered me the Holy Bible. Afterwards, the Bible prompted me to quickly forgive and to avoid all kinds of sadness and anger in me. This Bible will help me to get closer to God and to have personal fellowship with God through reading it, and this Bible will help me to positively live in peace with my neighbors. My last comment is to let you know that, I feel encouraged to tell others to love and read the Bible because it is a lamp to our feet. I always consider the scripture in Genesis 6:13”

“I was very moved by having the Holy Scriptures for me to read it, Bible is the light for my paths and the hope.
Receiving the Bible, I felt the Love of God through that gift, I became a believer and gained more other friends whom we pray and praise God together. Through the Bible I knew that drunkenness and steeling is bad in the eyes of God, I knew to pray to God and also service with others at Church, the Word of God raised my passion to donate to the poor and the needy something that I never felt before, I thank God.”