Rebuilding Homes in Boneza
March 30, 2020
Heavy rains swept through Boneza, Rwanda last December, causing devastating landslides and record monsoons. During a several week period, 41 homes throughout Boneza were destroyed.
Since December, Arise Rwanda Ministries has raised funds and resources to help this community rebuild again. All 41 homes are currently being rebuilt, and ARM is providing new iron sheets for fresh roofing.
David, a Boneza resident lived in his home since he was 16 years old. When the rains came, he was devastated to see his property washed away. David, his wife, Esther, and their grandchildren were immediately moved into a classroom in Boneza for temporary living. Today they are grateful to be rebuilding their house themselves, and want to thank Arise Rwanda Ministries for giving them materials to rebuild their family home.