Meet Samuel,

a Kivu Hills Academy student.

Samuel is a 16 year old KHA student studying computer sciences.

Samuel has 10 siblings. Their father died about 5 years ago and Samuel become the bread winner for his family. The family is living on one meal a day max, and they sleep in a one bedroom house on mats made of banana leaves. To help support his family and pay for his education, Samuel started a business selling donuts with just $2.

Samuel‘s goal is to start an IT company to fight cyber internet crimes in Africa. His dream is to employ street children and widows in his company. Kivu Hills Academy provides such an opportunity and gives hope for children like Samuel to dream!

“I now have HOPE for me, my family, and my country. Thank you, Arise Rwanda Ministries, for believing in me and investing in my education.”

Samuel, KHA Scholarship Recipient

“Before I came to KHA, life was very hard. Sometimes my family would go all day without food. I never dreamed I would go to school. Now I am at KHA attending school with three meals a day, I have a place to sleep, electricity, access to computers and wonderful teachers. My life has been changed forever!”

Samuel, KHA Scholarship Recipient